Perseverance | RIGA IFF
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Latviski / In English


Director: Miha Knific
SI, HR, IT, RS 2017100 min. 0 sec.
“Perseverance” is a mosaic depicting the events which define the lives of the main characters. Each individual's story reflects their thoughts, goals, fears and aspirations, conveying them through internal monologues, self-questioning, memories and confessions. It’s a diverse collage of intimate life stories whose common subject is the phenomenon of man and a celebration of life in its hardest moments. The writer-director Miha Knific has directed a number of short films, adverts for major clients and multiple music videos. He focuses primarily on human stories and in his movies researches extreme situations and their outcomes, with an interest in the concept of freedom that these situations create.
DOP: Aljoša Korenčan
Original language: en, ja, sl Subtitles: en Translation in headphones: lv