Cherries | RIGA IFF
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Latviski / In English


Uogos Directed by: Vytautas Katkus
LT 202215' lt

A father who has recently retired asks his son to help him pick cherries. He tries to harvest the berries quickly and to speak to his son at the same time. Soon, the ripe shapes of the cherries glistening among the leaves become mere backdrop. The fact that the son is the film’s director exacerbates the situation…

The film employs the tried and tested formula of “intergenerational relationship as situational comedy” and brings the meta-documentary to its purest and most precise form. Vytautas Katkus is one of the most promising young Lithuanian directors and cinematographers – Cherries was selected for the Short Film Competition in Cannes this year. Meanwhile, his debut short film Community Gardens (2019) screened in the Cannes parallel section Critics’ Week, and his second feature Places (2020) was included in the Horizons section at the Venice Film Festival.

20 October – 23 October Find out more at
Available from 20 October 18:30
20 October
18:30 - 18:45
With Filmmakers

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