The Pinchers' High Voltage Heist | RIGA IFF
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Latviski / In English

The Pinchers’ High Voltage Heist

Knyckertz och snutjakten Directed by: Leif Lindblom
SE 2023 90' sv

No squad of thieves is more notorious than The Pincher family. Their son, Turer, is the black sheep – he can’t steal, nor can he tell a lie. Turer dreams of becoming a policeman and befriends Constable Paul, who encourages the family to pursue an honest life. It seems they might take his advice, but… Turer soon discovers that his best friend, bulldog, has been kidnapped, and a major diamond heist is in the works. Now, Turer faces a tough decision – could he catch his family’s attention with 20,000 volts?

This adventurous and wise family comedy explores antics, choices, and justice. The film by Swedish director Lindblom is based on the novel The Pinchers and the Diamond Heist (2019) by comedian Anders Sparring and illustrator Per Gustavsson. Its humorous plot and characters have charmed readers of all ages. Screened at the Göteborg and other film festivals, the film features the Pincher family in orange knitted hats, reminiscent of Wes Anderson’s characters, and is one of Europe’s most unique big-screen adventures for younger audiences. A striking, heartwarming, and respectful nod to Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter, the gem of children’s literature.

Foreword by the programme curator: Everyone knows customs detection dogs that sniff for contraband and illegal substances. But how many of you know dogs skilled in stealing diamonds? And who can tell whether they are real diamonds at all?

20 October
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