The Last Autumn | RIGA IFF
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Latviski / In English

The Last Autumn

Síðasta haustið
Director: Yrsa Roca Fannberg
IS 201978' is

According to legend, at the beginning of the world once again there was neither sand nor sea, neither soothing waves nor billowing meadows, neither playful winds nor sky, only a gaping abyss. The nothingness receded, and there at the edge of the world Iceland emerged. A man and a woman traveled with their livestock to take up residence on the island’s farthest cape – beyond which there is only the inhospitable Arctic Ocean. Autumns came and autumns went...

Úlfar, the last in a long line of farmers, lives with his wife here. Next autumn farming will cease and all the sheep will be gone, but the landscape pushed up against the Arctic ocean will continue to tell about that one Last Autumn at the end of the world.

Curator's point of view: A meticulous and loving portrait of the strong Islandic tradition of sheep-farming on the backdrop of majestic landscapes reminds of a slideshow from a trip to the North.

In the screening: Meeting with filmmakers