It's My Birthday | RIGA IFF 2021, 14-24 October
Tickets & Passes
Latviski / In English

It’s My Birthday

Dziś są moje urodziny Directed by: Jacek Borcuch
PL 202012' pl

“Today, when I know what has come out of it, I can say that making my short movie, I immersed myself into Here and Now, or rather There and Then. After all, it’s been nearly three months. Even I find it amazing that I turned the camera by 180 degrees in my professional life.” – Jacek Borcuch.

Polish director Jacek Borcuch’s feature-length films “All That I Love” (2009) and “Dolce fine giornata” (2019), the latter about fictional poet and Nobel-Prize-winner Maria Linde, have been screened in Latvia. This self-reflective black and white short film returns to the starting point of creation – a feast of visual asceticism.

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