Blanka (25) has been rescuing animals since she was a little girl—she shared her bed with an orphaned lamb and took an abused cow to her family’s backyard without hesitation. She managed to infect other children from the neighborhood with her enthusiasm, founded an animal sanctuary and started a small revolution.
Type of work: Documentary film
Stage: In development
Looking for: Sales, distribution and co-production partner, broadcaster
Vladimíra Vrbiňáková is a film editor who comes from Bratislava and is currently completing her last year of studying film editing at Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. She worked on several student and documentary films, commercials and videoclips. She has been collaborating for a long time on the documentary series Those who stayed, which shows the life of Ukrainians during the Russian occupation. What she enjoys about editing is that she can also be a dramaturgist who is creatively involved in the process and together with the director come up with new possibilities for telling the story.