Five twenty-somethings, in search of an authentic life, move into an isolated country house full of books. Living in the carelessness of youth, with time, practical problems and the immature nature of young people create tension. Everyone has romanticized the idea of an independent and responsibility-free life – running away from reality, they run right into it.
“We are the children of forever restlessness”, says one character in the aptly-titled Experts of Youth. Documenting her own experience of living with poets, director Zvejniece has a knack for capturing that specific energy of youth – the excitement, the sensuality, the recklessness. She frames it in a gorgeous summer, behind fortress-like piles of books, in romantic sketches imbued with dashing optimism. “It’s not a coming-of-age story”, she says, because they “do not leave youth when the film ends”.