Heaven and Hell are Places on Earth | RIGA IFF
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Latviski / In English

Heaven and Hell are Places on Earth

You don’t have to believe in God to know that the devil is in the details. You don’t have to believe in the afterlife to see that the protagonists in this programme go through heavenly experiences and infernal punishments: meet the bookworm from The Reader and his monk-like routine; see how to deal with the dead during a pandemic in Almost a Kiss; spend a day picking cherries in an Eden-like garden with a father and son in Cherries; see horned creatures raising hell in their own way in Asterión and The Devil; discover how celestial planes are only one click away in Happy New Year, Jim. One of the roots of the word “religion” comes from the Latin word “ligare” meaning to bind or connect. With this, we want to emphasise that everyone – whether the protagonists, or you and I in the cinema – is searching for a connection

Foreword by the programme curator: Characters freed in heaven-like spaces; characters trapped in metaphorical hells – or is it the other way around?

20 October
18:30 - 20:06
With Filmmakers
20 October – 23 October Find out more at online.rigaiff.lv
Available from 20 October 18:30

In this screening