She/He/They | RIGA IFF
Tickets & Passes
Latviski / In English


“She”, “he”, “they” … these are pronouns, used in grammar and to fill out paperwork. But are they enough to define someone? Coming from different paths in life, the characters in this programme are not bound by the limitations of these words: Sardine, a gorgeous road movie set in the alien landscape of the island of Lanzarote, opens up questions on motherhood and sisterhood; an elderly couple in Revelation of John floats far away from the mundane world; Anna, the young lesbian from Dogs Do Not Eat Grass, has a complex relationship with girls and with God; Hierophany encapsulates the world, the cosmos, and the Sacred Feminine in less than four minutes; The Left Behind is a dense family story where forest fires comes to symbolise global warming and personal alienation; the protagonist of Captain Lupo sums up what stirs all of us through his specific sexual fetish. What is singular? What is plural? Why should “(s)he” be positioned against “they”?

Foreword by the programme curator: Films questioning shifting identities (whether social or sexual) and the sense of belonging and fitting in.

21 October
18:30 - 20:05
With Filmmakers
21 October – 23 October Find out more at
Available from 21 October 18:30

In this screening