Selected Milk Added from Reconstituted Milk Powder Whole Pasteurized Homogenized | RIGA IFF 2021, 14-24 October
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Latviski / In English

Selected Milk Added from Reconstituted Milk Powder Whole Pasteurized Homogenized

Leche seleccionada adicionada de leche en polvo reconstituida entera pasteurizada homogeneizada Directed by: Jose Luis Ducid, Alfonso Camarero, Maria Meseguer
ES 202020' es

You are presented with a manual for sellers of milk cartons in supermarkets. Gliding through shots like flipping through the pages of a book, it soon becomes clear that recreating the content is not within the capabilities of this particular milk carton salesman.

A conceptual short work about schizophrenic consumerism that will likely wipe out the viewer’s longing for orderly arranged shelves and displays of food.

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