Children’s War Diaries is an animated documentary that follows the lives of three children in war-torn Ukraine. Through animation, real footage and interviews the film explores their extraordinary journeys showcasing bravery and resilience of Vita, Yehor, and Katia as they navigate challenges of the war. We witness their unyielding spirit in the face of the devastating war and their unwavering determination to find hope, safety and reunite with their loved ones amidst the chaos and destruction.
Type of work: Documentary animation film
Stage: In development
Looking for: Co-production, post-production studios
Svitlana Soloviova was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, where sheattended the cultural study programme at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Since 2004 she has worked in film production. She is a founder and general producer of the film production company Svitlofor Film based in Kyiv. She has produced number of shorts, one feature documentary and two fiction films. She attended ACE Training Days Poland 2021 and WEMW 2022 I VOD For Producers.