The Day I Met My Superhero | RIGA IFF
Biļetes & abonementi
Latviski / In English

The Day I Met My Superhero

Production company: BeGood Films
Genre: Family film
Countries: Poland
Estimated run time (min): 85
Director: Maria Sadowska
Producers: Magdalena Rychła
Stage of the project: Development
Estimated date of the project: 2021
Looking for: Distribution, Sales agents, Broadcasters
Target audience: 9 – 12


Playful, uplifting story about the girl who wants to be a superhero and about the superpower that everyone’s has. Adventure journey with road movie motif full of humour and dynamic action scenes.

About the production company

BeGood Films is specialized in children, youth and family films. We recognize and answer our audience needs. We create projects that entertain, affect and show the world from kids perspective.

Project representative

Magdalena Rychła
BeGood Films