Director: Georgs Harijs Āva
Genre: Stop motion animation
Country: Latvia
Estimated run time: 4 min
Producer: The Art Academy of Latvia
Premiere: 2020
Stage of production: Post-production
The film is set in an isolated metalworking factory, where a metallurgist is doing only one job – endlessly casting himself from tin, to create the ideal cast from the same material he is made of. Metallurgist has an impulsive need to do this job because he is suffering from workaholism and the constant thoughts of not being perfect. The casting process happens over and over again, until one day a mouse shows up at the factory and distracts the metallurgist from his work which puts him at a halt. Can a moment of catching his breath become a part of his work process?
Georgs worked as a production manager in the compositing department for Signes Baumane’s upcoming film “My Love Affair With Marriage”, as well as Rozes Stiebra’s “Saule Brauca Debesīs” in 2018 and a digital artist for a teaser trailer “Sirds Likums” by Roze Stiebra.