The 8-part crime thriller Couriers follows the high-stakes journey of an inexperienced leader at the helm of a small courier company, striving to rescue her floundering family business, only to be plunged into the depths of the criminal underworld by her ambitious and impulsive brother.
Type of work: Series
Stage: In development
Looking for: Co-funding
Liis Lindmaa is a co-owner of Ulm Production. Starting out as an actress, she completed her master’s in television directing in 2019 and has since directed television shows, series, and documentaries. She was nominated as best television director at EFTA 2024.
Anatoli Tafitšuk has been involved with television for many years before founding Ulm Production in 2019. The company has produced television shows, series, films, and other high-quality audiovisual content. Ulm Production’s latest series was nominated as the best series at EFTA 2024.